Monday, April 27, 2009

Cards and Coffee

Coffee shops have become a huge staple in the American lifestyle. The comforting ambiance and welcoming atmosphere make coffee shops a perfect place for a number of things. When you walk through the doors you are immediately welcomed by the baristas and you’re the atmosphere comforts you. The mellow sounds of music play softly in the background, while you catch up with an old friend, start on your huge work load for this week, get lost in your newest novel, or just sit and daydream. It doesn’t matter the time of day, coffee shops are always buzzing with people coming in and out. I started my love for this unique atmosphere in eighth grade when my dad would take me to Starbucks every morning to play cards for an hour before he took me to school. We continued this tradition all the way until I graduated high school. These trips to Starbucks sparked the amazing friendship my dad and I have formed. While playing cards we would talk about everything including boys, school, work, family, and religion. I didn’t have a care in the world when I was with my dad in the mornings. Now that I’m hundreds of miles away from home, I often walk to the local Starbucks, and just spend time clearing my head, doing homework, or reading. It gives me a sense of belonging and the familiar feel of the time spent with my dad. It’s an irreplaceable feeling that I get when I walk into a coffee shop. It’s a little piece of home I’ll have no matter where I go. Now when my dad visits me or I go home, we like to drive to Starbucks and jump into a game of cards, and catch up with each other. These are the times a miss most in life.

My dad and I when he visited me at college over Thanksgiving Break.

1 comment:

jasmine said...

awww! that's really really sweet! what a nice memory to have created with your dad.

i love coffee shops too. my favorite is peet's. it's about a 5-10 minute walk from my house. so perfect! :)