Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Don't Mean to Toot My Own Horn BUT...........


Cute pic found here.

Let me tell you a little story.

So last night I was up pretty late and didn't get much sleep. So when 7:00 am rolled around I was seriously considering playing a little hooky from school and sleeping in.

But instead I said to myself, "Self. You better get your old bones out of bed and get to class!"

And boy was it a good decision.

When I got to my English class this morning I was sitting with a few friends chatting, when my teacher walked in, looked at me, and said,
"Maggie can I talk to you in the hall for a second?"




I walked out to the hall, trying to think back on the past few weeks, if I had done something that warranted such a discussion...

Nothing came to mind....

"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me reading your paper to the class.. It was really good and I would like to use it as an example.." My teacher asked me.........


I obviously said of course I didn't care. But MY paper was exceptional in her mind? The best in the class? I didn't even feel like it was my best work....

So might I say I've been walking with an extra hop in my step all day and tooting my horn everywhere I go...

Rightfully so I think =)

PS. Today is Taco Bell Tuesday-- what shall I get?

PSS. Roommate Brie and I decided to create Mihama Monday last night.. A nice little teriyake joint down the street. It was delicious I got the chicken teriyake plate and a Mr. Pibb.. They even gave us free green tea ice cream because our food took so long.

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